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Phone Call Scams

Usually its pretty nerve racking getting a call from an unknown or unexpected number, but if it isn’t the usual “we are trying to contact you from your bank or we are from your ISP”, then it’s probably someone from “Windows” trying to get you to install a remote access program.

Phishing scammers have expanded their operations to impersonate more and more genuine business. Once the phishers have access to your computer, they instantly lock the real user out and have access to whatever information is saved within. It’s a motherlode of identity theft data, especially since the legitimate user is generally then unable to access the randomly generated passwords they’ve created for dozens or hundreds of sites, including banking and medical info.

The best way to avoid getting scammed on your computer, is to never trust anyone that claims they are ringing you to report an issue with your computer, and they are trying to fix it.

Do not give access to your computer to anyone unless you have rung or contacted a processional IT company for help.

Contact us if anything seems unusual, we are always happy to help where we can.

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